
How To Become A Member

Members at a Meeting

The Philomatheon Society of the Blind offers memberships to all activities of the organization for a fee of $15.00 per year.  We offer beneficiary membership for the legally blind, social membership (limited number of sighted members), associate memberships for sighted persons, and youth membership for legally blind and sighted youths under the age of 16.

­Rules of Procedure for becoming a member

  An applicant for beneficiary membership must be legally blind and must either give as authority:

  1. State agency for the blind, or
  2. A statement from a reputable eye physician.

All potential members must attend one meeting before making application for membership. Membership meetings are held the third Saturday of each month (excluding July and August) @ 4:00 P.M.

There are several types of Membership:

BENEFICIARY:  Available to anyone who is 16 years of age and older and legally blind according to the laws of the State of Ohio.  A beneficiary member may vote and hold office.

ASSOCIATE:  Offered to anyone 16 and over, who desires to be associated with the Philomatheon Society.  Although the Associate Member may not vote or hold office, they may serve on the various committees, with voting rights on such committees.

SOCIAL:  Available to an Associate Member, who has served the Society in an active roll.  The Social Member may vote and hold office as set forth in the Society's "Code of Regulations."

YOUTH:  Open to those under the age of 16.  The same guidelines apply as previously for Associate Members.  All youth members must be accompanied by an adult.

HONORARY:  An individual who has served the Society in an outstanding way, above and beyond normal service.   An Honorary Membership is voted on by the Board and Membership, this is a Life long membership.

SUSTAINING:  Defined as any person or organization making a financial contribution to the Society.  Sustaining Members may not vote or hold office.


There is no where in the world you can get more out a $15.00 membership than at the Philomatheon Society of the Blind

BUT, AS A MEMBER, ONE CAN EXPERIENCE SO MUCH MORE.  Active involvement in the community, through attendance at monthly membership meetings, attending public events, sponsored fund raisers, chairing the various committees of our organization, thereby maintaining the visually impaired person's independence and self confidence.